Relevance is the new superiority: Product superiority may have built your brand, but that's no longer enough. Today a brand also needs to demonstrate superiority of understanding of people's rapidly changing hopes and dreams.

BP Target Neutral was the official Carbon Offset partner for the London 2012 Games.
It was also an integral part of the Team GB Preparation Camp in Loughborough, where the athletes received their official London 2012 kit.

The BP ‘Infinity Room’ – where mirrored glass reflected images of athletes and illuminated plus signs into infinity – reminded everyone who passed through of their unique opportunity at London 2012: to ‘make their mark, leave no trace’.
As outstanding representatives of the nation and ambassadors for Target Neutral, members of Team GB were uniquely placed to inspire others to engage with the brand story: “You + Target Neutral = A Lower Carbon Games”.

Reflected light, space and illusion, were used to convey a sense of mystery, sensuality and intimacy - and to win over 100% athlete sign-up to Target Neutral.
Their enthusiasm helped to persuade over half a million spectators to register their journeys and to set a new world record for the highest number of people to offset the carbon from their travel to a single event, London 2012.