Surprise with the obvious. It’s easy to surprise. It’s even easier to be obvious. We search for the surprising untapped insights which are there, right under your nose.

HSBC wanted to create alignment across all of its Investment Banking and Markets and Corporate Banking businesses, appealing to major institutions and high net worth individuals around the world …

HSBC IB&M was able to leverage the enormous strength of the Group’s balance sheet to deliver significant corporate trading efficiencies for clients …

We translated this powerful commercial advantage into a distinctive brand insight – HSBC IB&M excels by doing simple things extraordinarily well …

This allowed us to create distinctive ‘badge values’ for the Investment Bank (outstanding examples of birds doing simple things extraordinarily well), while leveraging the strength of the parent brand (ribbon mnemonic using the HSBC colour palette) …

This in turn, enabled HSBC IB&M to change client perceptions from a ‘product brand’ to being understood as ‘integral to the whole’ … and to become fully integrated into the Bank’s offer to large Corporate and Institutional clients worldwide.

And to become fully integrated into the Bank’s offer to large Corporate and Institutional clients worldwide.